This series jumps into the lives of title winning titans, both riders and staff, to give you an understanding of the...
This series jumps into the lives of title winning titans, both riders and staff, to give you an understanding of the characters behind the scenes of a World Cup DH racing team. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the success story that is The YT Mob’s Race to the Top. The YT Mob’s most promising prospect is Angel Suarez; he epitomizes the very meaning of young and talented with his fearless approach to downhill racing. The speed daemon has been a master on two wheels since he was small, ripping up the Spanish motocross scene 8 years ago and even making it to the heights of National Champion. Sadly, he wasn’t able to continue on that path, however motocross’ loss was Downhill racing’s gain, as he switched to the pedal sport and found success with his unique style. Due his time sat just above an engine the 22-year-old has gained quite a few transferrable skills; he’s completely at home when it comes to sending it big and he cruises through loose dirt in a seemingly effortless motion, as well being utterly fearless when tackling tricky terrain. The Spaniard comes from Vigo, in the north-west of the country and loves spending time with his family and girlfriend, who are always there to offer him their loyal support. In his spare time he still loves to take his motocross bike out and about, but it will come as no surprise that his favorite past time is going out and shredding his YT it with his mates at a local uplift: “What I always say with my friends is ‘somos bici’ (we are bicycle), and that doesn’t mean it’s the most important thing in our lives, but it’s the thing we love to do, and we need to do to be good and happy,” said Suarez. Being involved in high speed, high risk sports has meant that Suarez has picked up injuries a little more severe than the occasional grazes. However, for someone who has probably broken more bones than Wile E. Coyote he takes it like a champ, and is always raring to get back in the saddle with a smile on his face: “I feel like I’m the same guy I was before my injuries so that’s the most important thing, I don’t think about it when I’m riding, so I’m just riding my bike and trying to enjoy it,” he stated. Besides securing a brilliant top 20 finish in Lenzerheide, Switzerland in 2015 the youngster didn’t have the best of luck in his first two professional seasons of racing due to crashes, and had a year off to go through surgery twice. Regardless of his trials and tribulations Suarez knows that such problems are just part of racing, and in April he showed true determination and class at the opening round of the UCI Downhill World Cup in Croatia. It was there that he proved that he has the pace, by qualifying 26th to go through to the final alongside both of his more experienced team mates. Suarez is always up for a laugh and a joke, but don’t be fooled by his calm exterior, underneath there is a driven and determined competitor with a great future in the sport he loves so much.