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    #TheYTMob #TailsOfTheMob #LaBresse #AngelSuarez #WorldCupDownhill
    Tales of The Mob - Episode 7, La Bresse
    ANGEL SUAREZ SCORES YET ANOTHER TOP 15 RESULT IN THE WORLD CUP FINALS. The YT Mob’s youngest rider backed up his top 10 from Mont-Sainte-Anne with yet another strong performance in his first ever wet World Cup final. The tricky conditions on a rainy Saturday in the Vosges Mountains caught out teammate Aaron Gwin who less than 30secs into his run went down briefly, but continued on to finished 43rd. Fellow American Neko Mulally was less fortunate crashing out in training earlier today and...
    ANGEL SUAREZ SCORES YET ANOTHER TOP 15 RESULT IN THE WORLD CUP FINALS. The YT Mob’s youngest rider backed up his top 10 from Mont-Sainte-Anne with yet another strong performance in his first ever wet World Cup final. The tricky conditions on a rainy Saturday in the Vosges Mountains caught out teammate Aaron Gwin who less than 30secs into his run went down briefly, but continued on to finished 43rd. Fellow American Neko Mulally was less fortunate crashing out in training earlier today and breaking his right hand, and will fly home on Monday for surgery.
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